Classes and Workshops
NEW Class on Tuesdays, January 14 - February 25, at noon and 6:30 p.m. * Heart-Centered Metaphysics – Metaphysics 1
The first phase of becoming a “metaphysician-practitioner” is learning foundational Principles and the Highest Form of Mind Action. Assimilating and practicing those Principles helps us awaken awareness and understanding of spiritual Truth and apply the principles in our everyday lives. Facilitated by Rev. Ellen Barron, M.Div. this class will use the textbook, Heart-Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck.
Two Class Options:
- Tuesday, January 14 to February 25, 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. (in-person and on Zoom)
- Tuesday, January 14 to February 25, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
Register Here
12:00 Noon Class Zoom Details:
Click to join this Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 850 9796 4067
Passcode: 8707364
Or dial 301.715.8592 and enter
Meeting ID: 850 9796 4067#
Passcode: 8707364#
6:30 p.m. Class Zoom Details:
Click to join this Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 863 9168 5391
Passcode: 8707364
Or dial 301.715.8592 and enter
Meeting ID: 863 9168 5391#
Passcode: 8707364#
NEW! 2nd Sunday 12 Powers Discussion with Rev. Annie Nelson * Sunday, February 9, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
Join Rev. Annie on the second Sunday of each month after the Sunday service for an in-depth exploration of the 12 powers—our inherent spiritual abilities, faculties and capacities. By intentionally focusing on each power, we can unlock these divine ideas and utilize them to navigate life’s daily challenges. February 9 we will focus on the Power of Strength to see how we can look past appearances and open to this innate power to transform the possible into reality in our daily lives.
Join us from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on February 9, either in person or via Zoom, for this inspiring discussion.
To join this meeting by Zoom, click:
Meeting ID: 889 7147 3797
Passcode: 8707364
To join by phone, dial: (301) 715-8592
Enter the Meeting ID: 889 7147 3797#
And Passcode: 8707364#

Enjoy Unity Holistic Center February Classes and Workshops!
Caregivers Support Group - Wednesday Yoga Class - VibeUp! Soundbath, Yoga and Meditation - Tai Chi Workshop and Classes - Open to Love: Healing the Heart Chakra - Awakening Your Unique Self: A Path to Fulfillment - Incorporating Fasting Principles for Spiritual Practice and Wellness
Find more details and register here.
Wednesday Morning Yoga Class
with Amy Murray
Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Want to improve your balance, strength, and flexibility, relieve pain, and boost your energy and mood? Join us for our Wednesday Morning Yoga Class with Amy Murray as she guides us through an alignment based slow flow practice. Please bring water, your yoga mat, two blocks, a strap and a yoga blanket or towel. Register below or at church.